Writing file system in CPython
On last PiterPy meetup I've made a talk about writing simple file system PEPFS in CPython using FUSE (File System In Userspace).
The PEPFS project is available on github: https://github.com/delimitry/pepfs
PEPFS is a simple read-only file system where files are CPython PEPs.
To build file system a
Slides are available here https://speakerdeck.com/delimitry/writing-file-system-in-cpython and here https://www.slideshare.net/delimitry/writing-file-system-in-cpython
On last PiterPy meetup I've made a talk about writing simple file system PEPFS in CPython using FUSE (File System In Userspace).
The PEPFS project is available on github: https://github.com/delimitry/pepfs
PEPFS is a simple read-only file system where files are CPython PEPs.
To build file system a
module was used.